[:en]Sales is a Noble Profession[:ja]営業とは崇高な職業である[:]

sales meeting

[:en]In a small Tokyo sales office of a Kansai-based company, the sales manager in charge habitually turns away sales people from other companies who call unannounced as a matter of course. It doesn’t matter what they have to offer or whom they would like to meet. He is uninterested. The office is small enough that […]

[:en]More Thinking Driven Processes, Less Process-Driven Thinking[:ja]プロセス主導の考え方から、考えることを大切とするプロセスへ[:]

[:en] Too many companies in Japan are dominated by processes-driven thinking when what is really needed is thinking-driven processes. Process-driven thinking is all about adherence—following a process meticulously and consistently—something that the Japanese are particularly good at. Thinking-driven processes, on the other hand, are all about contingence—what you do is contingent upon the situation, and […]
