[:en]Garbage in, Garbage Stays[:ja]不要なデータを溜めたままにしていませんか[:]

[:en]Last week in New York, my fellow Consulting Hall-of-Famers and I were treat to a deli lunch at New York’s iconic Katz’s. If you are not familiar with Katz’s, it is in the famous deli scene of the 1989 hit movie, When Harry Met Sally (http://youtu.be/F-bsf2x-aeE). At Katz’s, I met a corned beef sandwich there that made an offer I couldn’t refuse. Even as my stomach began to say ‘no’ to what must have been a pound of corned beef stacked high on rye, my mouth continued to say ‘yes.’ Katz’s for all its greatness has one idiosyncratic practice. When you enter Katz’s, a man at the door hands you a purple […]


[:en]Last week while in New York, I learned of a stabbing of an 18-year-old Japanese woman in a neighborhood close to where I live in Tsukuba. The news came via an email from Tsukuba International School, where my son attends, warning caution. Violent crime in Japan is far rarer than in the United States, and almost unheard of in Tsukuba, so this incident was jarring for many people. Having left my wife and son in Japan, I felt uneasy with the notion that there was some violent criminal at large in our peaceful neighborhood. The victim described the attacker to police as a man wearing a mask and speaking “broken Japanese,” […]

[:en]Tips from the Million Dollar Consulting Mentor Hall of Fame[:ja]ミリオネア・コンサルティング・メンターの殿堂で学んだこと[:]

[:en]I am just wrapping up a week in New York ending with the annual meeting of the Million Dollar Consulting Mentor Hall of Fame into which I was inducted last year. This a group of some of top consultant’s from around the world. Let me share some tips and insights from our meeting. Business optimism abounds, around the world and in Japan. Cash-hoarding companies are now looking to invest again. Be prepared to offer new value to your customers and prospects. Be prepared to invest in your business’s capabilities. Turn off the Internet. Stop checking email. An American company experimented with forcing its sales people to communicate with customers by […]
